Keynote Presentations • Workshops • Performances

Since 1980, Brian “Fox” Ellis, storyteller, author and educator, has been touring the world collecting and telling stories. He has been a keynote speaker and/or featured workshop presenter at hundreds of conferences ranging from The International Wetlands Conservation Conference to the National Association of Gifted Educators Conference. His presentations are always custom tailored with a mix of pedagogy and practice, humor and inspiration. For this reason many of the state educational conferences invite him back on a regular basis! He has also published more than 16 books, written 20 musical theatre productions and is a frequent contributor to a wide range of magazines including trade journals, parenting, academic and general interest magazines. Know that Fox comes to your conference eager to work: willing to present break-out sessions that reinforce his keynote, to share stories at an informal late-night for storytellers, and to autograph books at your sales booth. His goal is to do whatever he can to make your conference a success!
Please follow the links to read a list of specific Keynote Addresses and Workshops for different conferences.
Presentations for:
Early Childhood Educators
Reading Teachers
Teachers of English
Science Teachers
Social Studies and History Teachers
Reading Teachers
Teachers of English
Science Teachers
Social Studies and History Teachers
- National Science Teachers Association
- National Association of Gifted Educators
- National Association of Biology Teachers
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Great Plains Reading Teachers Associations
- Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, and Nebraska Science Teachers Associations
- Montana, Indiana, Alabama, New Jersey, Florida, and Midwest Environmental Education Associations,
- Great Lakes Council of Social Studies, Iowa, and Illinois Councils of Social Studies,
- Illinois Teachers of English
- Europeon Librarians Alliance
- England’s YMCA Staff Training
- National Storytelling Association, New England, Northlands, and Mid-Atlantic Storytelling Associations
- Ohio Catholic Educators
- National Ag in the Classroom Conference
- International Wetlands Conservation Conference
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting
- National Non-Point Source Pollution Conference
- Texas Project Wet: Make A Splash
- Illinois Earth Stewardship Day
- North American Prairie Restoration Conference
- Science and Religion: A Joint Conference sponsored by the World Conference of Churches and United Nations
- International Clown Convention
- National Rabbit Breeders Association
- North American Plymouth Owners
- Michigan Heating and Air Conditioning Association
- Illinois Association of Township Officials
- Great Rivers Regional Tourism
Whatever the theme of your conference Fox can custom tailor a program to educate and inspire your participants. Please Contact Fox to discuss ways he can help you create a memorable event.