Presentations for Science Teachers
Keynote: LEARNING STORIES FROM THE LAND: Teaching Science through Storytelling and Creative Writing
Storytelling allows you to travel through geological time and enter the worlds of molecules and woolly mammoths. Stories can bring facts to life, make abstract concepts tangible and most importantly, model that science, at it’s core, is a verb, an activity. In this inspiring performance you will hear and tell stories that inspire your students to demonstrate their knowledge of scientific facts, concepts and process skills.

You could also invite one of history's leading scientific minds to be a featured presenter at your next conference:
Related Workshops:
Science Inquiry Through Storytelling - Storytelling allows listeners to be engaged in true inquiry as they predict outcomes and peer over the shoulder of historical scientists to witness the scientific process. Creative writing allows students to ask difficult questions and look for answers. Stories bring the wild world to life and allow students to be immersed in the procedures of formulating an hypothesis, designing an investigation, collecting and analyzing data and drawing conclusions. In this participatory workshop you will hear some good stories, tell a few of your own, and learn to use this universal tool to engage your students in original inquiry.
River Stories: Aquatic Ecology and Folklore - In this mix of storytelling and hands-on science we will explore your local watershed and the web of life that binds us to the rivers of our region. Learn creative ways to teach the water cycle and make abstract science personal.
Turtle Island Tales: Teaching Science with Native American Storytelling - Ancient stories and modern science merge in this exploration of ecology. In this workshop, you will hear several stories, learn some basic storytelling skills and cooperative lesson plans for integrating language arts, science, and social studies.
FROG SONGS: Poetry, Non-Fiction Writing, and Insect Science - A poet’s eye and gift for language is very similar to the detailed observation and ability to communicate complex ideas required of scientists. Learn to use haiku to teach entomology. Learn to use poetry to help students write clearer more exciting essays. Come to celebrate the voices of nature and find your voice as a poet.
PRAIRIE TALES: Exploring the Prairie through Stories and Hands-on Science Activities - Plains Indian folklore and pioneer history blend in this exploration of prairie ecology. Through seed collecting, sorting, and prairie plant propagation, learn the adventures of a seed. Travel with “Rusty” a molecule of iron oxide through the geology of the prairie soils. Prairie fires and pioneer politics will blend in this epic celebration of song and story, history and ecology.
Brian "Fox" Ellis is an internationally acclaimed author, storyteller, and naturalist who has worked with The Nature Conservancy and The Field Museum. Fox has been a featured speaker at regional and international conferences including the International Wetlands Conservation Conference, National Science Teachers Association Conference and the North American Prairie Conservation Conference, et al. Fox is also the Artistic Director for Prairie Folklore Theatre a unique theatre company that celebrates ecology and history through original musical theatre productions. He is the author of 16 books including the critically acclaimed Learning From the Land: Teaching Ecology Through Stories and Activities, (Libraries Unlimited, 2011), the award winning children’s picture book The Web at Dragonfly Pond, (DAWN Publications, 2006) and his latest book for teachers, Content Area Reading, Writing and Storytelling (Teacher Ideas Press 2010). Many of his stories are also available on one of 12 CDs.