An Early Morning Vignette in Seven Haiku*
awaken to the sound
of the snow plow,
followed by the school bus
childish dream dashed
two inches of snow
enough to cover autumn’s debris
everything sparkles
on this crystalline morning
blue sky, bright sun,
snow sparkles appear mid-air
early morning walk
to the office, subzero, a crow
and chickadee accompany me
smudge of a feather
on the frozen window pane
speaks of wounds unspeakable
ice on the window
sun rising casts a glare
a wintery rainbow
swing laptop open
workday must begin, first
wipe the mist from the screen
Brian “Fox” Ellis
*Hakku con Renga is a traditional Japanese form, a parlor game, in which party guests take turns making up spontaneous poetry using an image from the participant who went before them. Each haiku needs to stand on its own, but relate to the one before it. If done well, it often builds a spontaneous scene or story, a small vignette within several haiku.