A brazo is a traditional form of poetry,
a love poem that compares different body parts to beautiful and strong images.
a love poem that compares different body parts to beautiful and strong images.
Your hair is like ____________.
Your face is like __________.
These poems are often parodies with ludicrous comparisons. For example: Your lips are like a red, red rose. Your eyes like liquid pools. They are easy to write and a lot of fun to play with. Use lots of colorful adjectives and compare body parts to clear images that are unusual. You could write one for someone you love, for a parent or even for your favorite pet. They do not have to rhyme, but because it is a traditional form, I like to play with an ABAB rhyme scheme and a measured line length. Here is one I wrote for my wife and one I wrote for my dog:

The Celtic red highlights in your long silken hair,
Are reminders of the brilliance inside your mind.
Your patience and kindness is like a mother bear,
It is always present not hard to find.
And the longing look in your soft blue eyes
Sends shivers of joy right down my spine.
That luscious smile on your delicate lips,
Begs for kisses sweeter than cherry wine.
Are reminders of the brilliance inside your mind.
Your patience and kindness is like a mother bear,
It is always present not hard to find.
And the longing look in your soft blue eyes
Sends shivers of joy right down my spine.
That luscious smile on your delicate lips,
Begs for kisses sweeter than cherry wine.

Your big brown eyes are warm
like a puppy on her birthing day.
Your soft little nose is cold
when you nuzzle me, “I want to play!”
like a puppy on her birthing day.
Your soft little nose is cold
when you nuzzle me, “I want to play!”
Your thick brown fur, like a bear skin rug
keeps me warm on a cold winter night.
Your sharp teeth grip the sock and tug,
like Samson, you pull with all your might.
keeps me warm on a cold winter night.
Your sharp teeth grip the sock and tug,
like Samson, you pull with all your might.
But when you roll over for a belly rub,
and your tail wags like a drummers roll,
you say with your smile you are my cub.
I scratch your belly, you touch my soul.
and your tail wags like a drummers roll,
you say with your smile you are my cub.
I scratch your belly, you touch my soul.
I have given my heart to Dalai, my dog.
Your muscular legs strong like a mare
who could run through the meadows all day
Your golden hair so silky and fine
softer than flax, the color of new mown hay
who could run through the meadows all day
Your golden hair so silky and fine
softer than flax, the color of new mown hay